8 Most Helpful Tips For Hiring Successful Remote Employees

How is hiring remote employees differently?

Hiring an employee for remote work can require different areas of assessment than hiring in-person employees. In particular, employees looking to hire telecommuters need to consider whether their candidates can work well in an independent and self-directed environment, whether they have the right technology to access their work materials, and if they can meet deadlines, even if they work in another time zone. Remote employees generally have less direct support from managers, so being self-motivated and capable of staying on task during work hours are important qualities. Telecommuters may also need to meet certain technological requirements to perform their work.


8 Tips for Hiring Remote Employees

Here are some the tips to consider when recruiting and hiring remote employees:

1. Consider specific skills for remote workers.

Employees who telecommute may need a different set of skills from traditional in-house associates. Since remote employees often work independently with minimal supervision, having skills like good time management, problem-solving, and accountability helps them complete their work and achieve a high standard of quality. Additionally, remote employees may rely more on their written communication skills than in-person employees because they regularly use email and instant messaging to contact other members of their work team. Remote workers may also need more technological proficiency. Since they likely complete most of their work on the computer, technology skills are important.

2. Identify the qualities of your ideal candidate.

Defining the ideal candidate for the remote position can help you plan your recruitment strategy and assess your candidates' applications. Compile a list of skills and traits that you expect the ideal candidate to have. This list can include hard and soft skills, specific technical proficiencies, and personality characteristics that would make a candidate perfect for your team. You can also consider ranking the listed qualities by priority. Identifying the characteristics that you value the most in a candidate can help you identify them in candidates and focus on finding those that have the most important qualities for your team.

3. Choose to recruit through the right sources.

Candidates looking for remote work may conduct their job searches through different channels than those looking for in-person positions. Knowing what sources are most popular with job seekers looking to telecommute may increase the number of qualified candidates applying to your listing. For example, some online job boards specifically target those looking for remote positions. By posting your opening on one of these boards, you may be more likely to find a candidate who fits the job profile.

4. Write a realistic job description.

Writing a job description that specifies your expectations can help you attract the candidates that best meet your team's needs. Being clear in the job listing about the position's telecommuting requirements can ensure that only qualified candidates apply. Being specific in your description allows job seekers to reflect on their skills, qualifications, and experiences so they can determine whether they're a good fit for your team. Candidates who don't meet your requirements may choose not to apply, which can narrow down the number of applications you receive to only those that fit your job description.

5. Consider how well candidates fit your company culture.

One aspect of hiring remote candidates that may differ from in-person candidates is your ability to assess how well they fit your workplace culture. Since you might conduct all aspects of the hiring process virtually, you may need to be more intentional about how you assess each candidate's cultural fit. Before evaluating a candidate's cultural fit, it's first important to define your team's values. These can help you know what qualities to look for in a new hire. After identifying these values, develop specific questions to ask during the interview to evaluate whether the candidate's values align with your business.

6. Conduct interviews with remote candidates.

Since you may not meet remote job seekers in person, you might conduct more interviews with remote candidates than with in-person candidates. Performing multiple interviews gives you more opportunities to get to know the candidates over a longer period of time. You may gain new insights into their personalities, work habits, and qualifications that you may not have gotten from a single interview. Additionally, these meetings are good opportunities to start developing work relationships with candidates. Taking this extra time with remote candidates may improve your ability to choose the right person for your team.

7. Offer a remote trial period.

Before extending a job offer to your top candidates, consider allowing them a trial period so you can assess how well they adapt to the role. Create a contract expressing the terms of the trial period, so it's clear to the candidate that you're offering a training opportunity rather than a full-time position. During this period, you can evaluate the candidate's ability to perform the work, learn the skills needed to work as part of your team, and determine how well they fit into your team's culture. This allows you to assess the candidate while they learn about the position.

8. Emphasize relationship-building

Finally, consider using your hiring process as an opportunity to develop a relationship with potential new hires. Employees who telecommute may have fewer chances to get to know you and the other members of your team, so emphasizing the relationship aspect of the workplace culture in your hiring process is a great way to help candidates feel connected. When candidates feel like a remote role wants to engage them as active members of a team, they may feel motivated to integrate themselves into your workplace.



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